Version from 31/03/2023

The website “” (© NTN-SNR) (hereinafter “Website”) was created by NTN Europe exclusively for the personal use of its professional users. Any commercial use of the data provided on the Website, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the prior written authorisation of NTN Europe.

Access to the Website is subject to the general terms and conditions of access and use, hereinafter referred to as the General Terms and Conditions of Use, as well as the applicable laws and regulations. If you decide to access, browse or use the Website, you will be deemed to have accepted the Terms of Use without reservation. These Terms of Use take precedence over any other agreements you may have with NTN Europe or members of NTN Europe’s business network elsewhere.

NTN Europe reserves the right to deactivate private access codes if they are used for activities that are not in accordance with the General Terms of Use.


  1. Intellectual property rights
    The entire content of this website is subject to the French Intellectual Property Code.Both the content and the presentation of the website are protected by applicable intellectual property laws. NTN Europe or members of NTN Europe’s business network elsewhere is the owner; the design and development of the above website was realised by the companies Netapsys and SQLI.Designations or trade names, logos, names of products and services from the ranges of NTN Europe or members of NTN Europe’s business network are, with some exceptions, trademarks registered by NTN Europe.Other trademarks are also mentioned. These are either used by NTN Europe with the authorisation of the owner or serve only to refer to the products or services offered by NTN Europe.Photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, models, images, animated sequences, whether or not accompanied by a soundtrack, and all other works or other content contained on the Site are the property of NTN Europe or third parties who have authorised NTN Europe to use such content.Copying of the aforementioned website and the information contained therein, whether in paper or soft copy form, is authorised on condition that the copies are intended solely for personal use, excluding any use for advertising and/or commercial and/or information purposes, and that such use complies with the provisions of Article L.122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code.This authorisation does not in any case permit the transfer of the above-mentioned intellectual rights, which remain the exclusive property of NTN Europe or third parties who have authorised NTN Europe to use these rights.

    With the exception of the authorisation provided for in the above paragraph, any reproduction, representation, use or modification of all or part of the Site, of all or part of the various works and product models that make it up, regardless of processing and support, is strictly prohibited without the prior authorisation of NTN Europe. Any other use constitutes an offence of counterfeiting, punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 euros.

  2. Access code and password management
    When logging in to the NTN Europe extranet (private areas exclusively for professionals), you enter a user name and password. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for all actions taken with your account and/or password. You agree to notify NTN Europe immediately of any unauthorised use of your account and/or password and to ensure that you disconnect after each session. NTN Europe shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from any breach of these obligations.
  3. Information on products and services
    This website contains a general presentation of the NTN Europe Group’s range of products and services. It is intended for professionals only; access by end users is prohibited. Textual information, photographs or other information on the website are provided for reference purposes only; they are not to be considered as contractual documents from which claims for legal proceedings can be derived.NTN Europe reserves the right to modify the information provided on its website, in particular the technical characteristics of the products presented, at any time and without prior notice, taking into account the interactivity of the website; this excludes any liability on the part of NTN Europe, the members of its network or its employees.The prices and features of the products and services presented on the NTN Europe extranet are correct at the time of going online or updating the various pages of the website. The prices are the maximum recommended prices. These prices and features are subject to change without prior notice from NTN Europe.Furthermore, all products and services mentioned on this website are not necessarily available. NTN Europe informs its users about the availability of the products and services shown.
  4. Personal data and cookies
    4.1 Personal data of the user
    The information NTN Europe receives from you corresponds to the information required for the use of the website.This information is subject to computerised processing, which has been declared to the CNIL (French Data Protection Authority) and is intended to enable NTN Europe to identify you and communicate with you. In particular, this information is necessary to allow you to access the NTN Europe extranet, to receive the NTN Europe newsletter (electronic newsletter), but also to allow NTN Europe to respond to your requests for information.NTN Europe is the data controller.Data that you provide to us will be stored by us for three years.In accordance with the applicable legal and regulatory provisions on the processing of personal data, in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, you have the right to access, rectify and, if necessary, erase data concerning you. You can also object to the processing for legitimate reasons.These rights can be exercised by sending a simple written request by e-mail to or by post to “Compliance Department (PC 08)-NTN Europe- 1 rue des Usines- 74010 Annecy- Cedex-France”.

    4.2 Cookies

    Certain pages of the Website may use cookies to access information stored on your terminal and, in particular, to collect information about your browsing behaviour on the Website and to store information that you have entered during your connection, in particular to facilitate your navigation on your next connection.

    The retention period for the information collected in this way is thirteen months from the creation of the corresponding cookie.

    Of course, you can prevent cookies from being saved on your hard drive by configuring your browser accordingly.

    You can also delete cookies individually at any time by configuring your computer accordingly.

  5. Hypertext references
    Hypertext links to the website require the prior written consent of NTN Europe. If you wish to insert a hypertext link to our website, please contact the person responsible for the website.NTN Europe shall under no circumstances be liable for websites that contain hypertext links to our website and hereby disclaims any liability with regard to the content and use of such links.In addition, the website may contain references and hypertext links to third-party websites. NTN Europe has no control over these websites and is not responsible for their content and use.
  6. Limitation of liability
    Use of this website is at your own risk. The Internet network and telecommunication systems are not free from errors, interruptions or malfunctions. In no event shall NTN Europe, its subsidiaries or members of the business network be liable for any direct or indirect damages, including, but not limited to, material, data, programme, financial, incidental or consequential damages, arising out of access to or use of this website or any linked websites. Subject to the statutory provisions on public order, the content of the website is provided without any warranty of any kind.The information on the models and their performance characteristics corresponds exactly to the design definition at the time of putting online or updating the various pages of the website: This information is provided for reference purposes only and should not be construed as a contractual offer of products or services from NTN Europe, its subsidiaries or members of its commercial network. Errors or omissions are possible. Only orders placed online via the “Order” menu item and confirmed by NTN Europe by acknowledgement of receipt within three days of receipt shall be deemed to be contractual in respect of NTN Europe.Access to the products and services offered on the website may be subject to restrictions. You should therefore ensure that the applicable laws of the country from which the connection is made allow access to our website.The User agrees to indemnify NTN Europe, its affiliates and members of its business network against any claims and costs, including attorneys’ fees, that may arise from the use of this Website by the User or any other person using the User’s account. NTN Europe reserves the right to pursue an exclusive defence of any claim for which NTN Europe must be held harmless under this article.  In this case, the User is obliged to provide NTN Europe with any reasonable assistance that NTN Europe may request.
  7. Ethics
    The user undertakes not to take any action that could constitute unlawful solicitation, fraud, active or passive corruption, unethical business practices or a violation of applicable law.The User shall indemnify NTN Europe against all damages and prejudice suffered by NTN Europe as a result of illegal/unfair practices on its part.
  8. Suspension – withdrawal of the right of access
    NTN Europe is authorised to deactivate or withdraw an access right at any time by blocking the access data without giving reasons, in particular if the User:
    – has provided false information during registration; – has violated
    the General Terms and Conditions of Use or his duty of care when processing the access data;
    – has violated applicable law with regard to access to or use of the NTN Europe Website; or
    – has been inactive on the NTN Europe Website for at least 24 months.
  9. Other regulations
    If any provision of these General Terms of Use is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under any law, regulation or contract applicable to these General Terms of Use, such provision shall be deemed severable without affecting the remaining provisions of these General Terms of Use, which shall remain in full force and effect.These General Terms of Use comprise the entire agreement between NTN Europe and the User regarding the use of the NTN Europe Website.  Any amendment to these General Terms of Use must be made in writing to be effective.For all orders placed online via the “Order” menu item and/or an “E-Business” type application, NTN Europe’s General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Services shall take precedence over these General Terms and Conditions of Use.
  10. Applicable law – legal disputes
    NTN Europe operates its websites from France. The user acknowledges that all legal actions, proceedings or other matters relating to his access to the information or use of the websites are subject to French law.These General Terms and Conditions of Use are subject to French law. The predominant language of the General Terms and Conditions of Use is French. In the event of discrepancies or disputes, French courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.In the event of a dispute, the User and NTN Europe shall endeavour to settle the dispute by mediation or other amicable solution. If the User and NTN Europe are unable to do so, the dispute shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.
  11. Updating the General Terms of Use
    NTN Europe reserves the right to modify and update access to the Website and the General Terms and Conditions of Use at any time. It is the User’s responsibility to keep himself regularly informed of these changes and updates by checking this paragraph for the General Conditions of Use in force at any given time.